Friday 23 May 2014

What songs could I sing?

An element that I need to take into account when making a decision, is my ability to sing specific songs. I need to choose something that I'll be comfortable performing however something that will test and push me further singing wise.
Bearing this in mind I came up with a short list of possibilities and songs that I enjoy singing on a general basis:-

  • Talk You Down - The Script
  • No Good Deed - Wicked
  • Scared of Lonely - BeyoncĂ©
  • Royals - Lorde
  • Let It Go - Frozen
  • Take Me To Heaven - Sister Act
  • I Have Confidence - The Sound of Music
  • Son of Man - Phil Collins
  • Journey to The Past - Anastasia 
  • Once Upon A December - Anastasia
  • One Night Only (Disco Version) - BeyoncĂ©
  • Cry - Rihanna
  • Raise Your Voice - Sister Act
  • Favourite Things - The Sound of Music
  • Watch What Happens - Newsies
  • The Lady Is A Tramp - Ella Fitzgerald
  • He's A Tramp - Peggy Lee
  • Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid
  • At Last - Etta James
  • Circle of Life - The Lion King
  • Easy To Say - Zombie Prom
This list of songs all vary from one another. I have some which are musical theatre numbers, old fashioned jazz numbers, popular songs and Disney-related tunes. Originally I chose 3 songs from this list. The ones selected in blue are ones that I have changed and the one in red is the one that I decided to keep:-
- I Have Confidence from The Sound of Music
- No Good Deed from Wicked
- At Last by Etta James

From previous blogs, you will know that I rehearse singing in my car as this is usually the only place where I can practise. I find it easier to do this in my car as I have no distractions (obviously apart from the road!) but most of all I don't have to worry about anyone hearing me sing wrong notes or have the worry of anyone judging me. Because of this, I find it easier to belt notes in my car due to me sitting down. Even though this is not necessarily the best place to rehearse said songs and belt show-tunes, it tells me that even though I'm sat down, I can hit the notes in my range.

I practised 'No Good Deed' the most and I managed to belt the final notes in my kitchen fine, however experienced frequent wobbles as my diaphragm wasn't strong enough to support it. I showed this to Alison and she thought it was great yet agreed with me that I needed help with some of the key phrases; I had tension built up all in my neck rather than sourcing it from my stomach. She gave me one specific exercise which would help with the song/belting however I'll explain this later when applying it to my final choices.
I disagreed with this choice in song in the end as I wanted to choose songs that I would be able to perform to a high standard rather than a 'high-but-with-a-few-noticeable-errors-standard'. I would need more time to make this song sound perfect, therefore I didn't want to risk it for the assessment. If we were to be performing it to a live audience also, my nerves would be guaranteed to get the better of me therefore putting me back to stage 1.

'I Have Confidence' wasn't much of a problem for me, however due it being sung by Julie Andrews (a top soprano) I figured that I'd struggle quite a bit at getting it perfect due to me being an alto-belt. The final note in this song (" me!") I had to instantly go into head voice. Although it was a loud head voice to match the rest of my singing, there was SO much tension in my neck and therefore similarly to the reason above, I would need a lot more time (more than 'No Good Deed') than what we had, to rectify this and make it better. In addition to this, I somehow didn't enjoy singing this as much as the other two that I was going to sing. From this, I decided against singing this and chose something else. I feel this was a wise choice.

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